5 Things to Include on Your Business Cards for #BlogHer19

I’m going to the #BlogHer Creators Summit this year, for the first time. The event is right around the corner, September 18th & 19th to be specific. I’ve invited a few other fellow bloggers, influencers, podcasters, and socialites from my circle. But, of course, the more the merrier, right? I’d like to build my network and expand my inner circle. If you’re wondering the difference, here it is (by my definition): A “network” is sort of a large group of professional acquaintances and your “inner circle” is full of people you are close with, whether it’s just collaborating professionally or more friendly with on a personal level. With a strong brand and a few marketing tricks, anyone can succeed in mastering the artwork of networking, especially at a huge event like this. For starters, bring your business cards. If you don’t already have them, let’s get started.


This may seem like an obvious item to include on your business cards, but I've seen so many bloggers and influencers leave out their names because they want to leave the branding focus on their business and/or online presence. However, you are the most important aspect of your blog or business' brand.

What You Do/Are/Want


Think of this section of your business card as an elevator pitch on paper, but way, way shorter than a real pitch. This is the part where you proudly tell people what you do or what you see yourself as. Or you can advertise that you're "on the market." The job market, that is. Be witty about it though. You can also list multiple titles, but I recommend no more than three. Here are a few examples listed below.

  • Social Media {Fill in the blank}

    • Guru, Strategist, Influencer

  • SEO Master

  • Master Web Designer

  • Marketing Maven

  • NYC PR Girl

  • NYC Based Blogger & Influencer

  • Influencer/Blogger/Content Creator

Social Media Handles

This is the back (front according to Moo) of my business cards that I’ll be using to network at #BlogHer19.

This is the back (front according to Moo) of my business cards that I’ll be using to network at #BlogHer19.


When it comes to social media links, I always like to stick with the basics... Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn. These are the most used social media platforms. Most bloggers, influencers, and millennials primarily use Instagram and Twitter. While the professional world predominantly uses LinkedIn, and often times Twitter (but not often enough). Essentially, if you include all three of the accounts listed above, you'll be golden.

Website Link

Whether it's your blog or professional portfolio, you should include it on your business card so people can see your work. While stalking your social media might be fun, you never know who you'll meet at the #BlogHer Summit, so you want to display that portfolio for any professional opportunities. You could land your next big gig. This is a minor detail, but being concise is usually the best practice. Leave out the https:// and just go with something like this: www.insertwebsitenamehere.com. Check out the example above on the left.

Headshot or Professional Photo


Make your business card stand out by including a picture. You may want to include a fun, but professional photo or headshot to include on your business cards. Think about how many people you meet at any conference or networking event. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of all of the names and connect them with faces. And let's be realistic, you won't be walking around with a notepad, so collecting business cards is just the most effective way. I got my headshot taken by Shoott team!


This is the front of my business card that I’ll be using at the 2019 #BlogHer Summit. Sometimes I meet so many people at these types of events and collect quite a few business cards. And if I’ve got a couple of events stacked on my calendar, I’ll never keep all of those business cards straight when I go to sort them out at the end of the week. So, I came up with the idea of including the event name on my business cards, so that potential connections will remember where they met me. Create your business cards on Moo today! Are you a design master? Create something unique and custom on Canva.

Originally published on September 10, 2019. Edited on October 11, 2021.

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